
Tiny Tim and The Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge

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Tiny Tim and The Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge The sequel to A Christmas Carol Whaler Norman Bond Jools on A synopsis of the story of Scrooge and Tiny Tim a festive tale of redemption .


Get the entire A Christmas Carol LitChart as a printable PDF. No ratings or . Yes Old Scrooge is DEAD to begin with. He was shown negative towards children mainly in the beginning.While seeing the spirits Tiny Tim and young Scrooge affected Scrooges present view on children the most. The phantom additionally cautions Scrooge about Want and Ignorance before he kicks the bucket. The Ghost also shows him Belle a woman he had a relationship with. The Ghost warns Scrooge about the evils of Ignorance and Want Big Ben begins tolling midnight as Ignorance and Want manifest themselves before Scrooge as two wretched children who grow into violent insane individuals leaving the spirit withering away. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Ebenezer Scrooge the Cratchit family on Christmas Day. When Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Present he is shown just how ill the boy really is the family cannot afford to properly treat him on the salary Scrooge pays Cratchit. Scrooge asks the ghost that is Tim going to die the spirit replies saying If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future the child will die.. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Ebenezer Scrooge the Cratchit family on Christmas Day. Tiny Tim is all grown up and everything he loves and holds dear has been ripped from him. He truly left a legacy behind when he found Christmas in .